Monday, April 15, 2013

#TeamCute, Roll out!

Yeahhh, haven't blogged in a while...
Not much has been happening lately really... just Uni, study, work, game... Sad lyfe...
So yeah, Mid semester exams are coming up and I should say I'm quite screwed haha... not really, but kind of maybe a little bit. But since it's exam week, lots of lectures have been canceled, meaning more time for me to study. WORK HARD I SHALL!!

Ok, so recently, I've been playing some Counter Strike GO (CS: GO for short). It's a first person shooting game, and I met some pretty cool people.
So this girl called Lily (she's like uber pro, like omg), started this team and named it #TeamCute LOL... and she invited me to join, yay!  Felt so special.

#TeamCute! As you can see I'm at the very bottom (RawR :3 is me), coz I suck... talk about letting the team down...
Anyways, met some really fun and cool people on #TeamCute. Also found out that Lily works at Easyway as well OMG, in Melbourne though, but I thought that was pretty cool, not only do we share the same interest, we also share the same secret Easyway Tea recipe. She also plays Dota2 :D, so swag.

Some Photo's from Maggie's Birthday the other week :)

Anyways, back to study... no Dota2 game of the Day, coz I haven't been playing Dota much.
K, God Bless, bye!

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