Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Birthdays everywhere!

There is a fire
Within her eyes
Right in my senses
Now I've been searching
For her beyond flames
Beyond the Flames - Killswitch Engage

Hey all, having a wonderful holiday so far. Had heaps of fun these past few days, meaning I'll probably spend the rest of the break studying... sighhhhhhh........

Soooo.... one of my all time favourite bands, Killswitch Engage, released a new album today. The lead singer is a Christian, and contained lots of positive messages in his lyrics, especially in their old album, Alive or Just Breathing. He even once formed a band named Times of GRACE. Had lots of inspirational music, which I really liked. So, respect to Jesse Leach <3, God Bless him!

Disarm the Descent - Killswitch Engage

Went to Teunica and Alex's 18th Birthday on the 2nd of April, BEACH PARTY at Surfers Paradise. First time catching a train to the Gold Coast haha... so was a bit clueless. We all gathered at Southbank train station at 10am and caught the train down to the coast. I fell asleep halfway through the train ride, so yeah haha.
On the train with Steph Tan. Haha Joleen at the back with her Mansfield broad brim hat and Kris Joven being hilarious as usual.

Got to the beach and had the beautiful caaaake, then it started to pour down buckets of rain haha, so we hid under the KFC undercover area across from the beach. When the rain stopped, we went back and started setting up our camp YEAH. Lying on the sand, listening to the waves and occasional helicopters. Very relaxing. A few people swam, but I was among one of them who didn't cos I was lazy.

Eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream on the beach, YEWWW!

Justin getting buried and the girls drawing female body parts on him... either that or really big  pecks.

Birthday girl!! :D

Had to leave early because I had another birthday to attend... Maggies 21st! Oh Maggie, where to start with that lady, one of the sweetest, funniest, most talented girl I know. And her passion for God, gahhh!
So I got home from the beach at around 6:30pm, giving me about 8 minutes to prepare for Maggie's Marvelous Moustache party. Because I didn't prepare a moustache, I decided I would dress very formal instead... to make up for it haha. Dinner was naise, the food was pretty good, potatoessssss love potatoes.

POTATOES! BOIL EM, MASH EM, STICK EM IN A STEW!! - Samwise Gamgee, Lord of the Rings.

There were photo booths, fun (embarrassing) games, and heartwarming speeches... nawwww!!


Dota2 Game of the Day
Hero played: Nyx Assassin

Dota2 Game of the Day 2
Hero Played: Bounty Hunter

God Bless all!!

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