Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hillsong Conference 2013!

Oh that rugged cross my salvation,
Where Your love poured out over me.
Now my soul cries out, Hallelujah,
Praise and honour unto Thee.
Man of Sorrows - Hillsong Live

Hey everyone! I know it's been aaaaaaaages since I've posted... so I thought to myself, "what better way to start again than to post about Hillsong Conference?" So here it is. :)
PS: It's a lengthy one, BUT WORTH THE READ!! That's what I get for cramming everything into one post I guess :(

So you may ask, "Henry, wut iz Hillsong Conference?" Firstly, it would make it easier for me if you all check out this link: Hillsong Conference 2013 
Hillsong is a church organisation that's based down in Sydney. Each year, they hold many conferences throughout the world, but their main one is always in Sydney. It's a 5 day event, where tens of thousands of people gather together to Praise & Worship Jesus. Each year, special guests from all over the world are invited to speak to us about the wonders of the Bible and the awesomeness of Jesus Christ.

You'd think "Oh psssht, that's only for Christians", let me tell you, it isn't. Every night, the doors are open to the public, meaning free entry. Why do they do that? Well, the main focus of the conference is really to allow people to understand what Christianity is all about. We often question the unknown, hence we try to avoid it. What conference tries to focus on is to help people understand why there is this God that we believers adore so much. Who is this Jesus who died on the cross for us? And why do people say He loves us unconditionally? But in the end, it's all a really personal thing and God's love isn't something that can be easily believed through someone else's mouth, but is something that should be experienced personally. Up close and personal with Jesus.

I'm just gonna go through each day and some of my notes that I wrote down. I'm no preacher, it really is TOO MUCH to talk about in a blog, so I've taken out the parts that really stood out to me.

Day One (July 1 - Monday): 
The first day started off with us waking up before the sun rose to head to the airport. I could say, I couldn't really sleep the night before although I tried really hard. I heard that many other people had the same problem from our group haha...

Our aircraft was a Qantas B767-300, which was delayed for about 30mins because they had to change some parts on the left engine or something, didn't get much details. But we got to Sydney safely :D
Qantas b767-300
So yeah, got to Sydney, went to hotel. Put bags down, went grocery shopping etc before we headed over to the Allphones Arena in Olympic Park for the first night of Hillsong Conference 2013!

Brian Houston - Glorious Ruins: 
God takes what is ruined, and makes them glorious.
When humanity takes what is glorious and ruins it, God takes the ruins and make it come to life.

This is what the Lord Almight says: "In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory," says the Lord Almighty. Haggai 2:6-7

This was meant to be orange but I think instagram made it Pink haha
Day Two (July 2 - Tuesday)

Craig Groeschel - Making of a Spiritual Leader (Deo Ho Numa):
1. Spiritual Prompting
Deo Ho Numa - God prompts you, speaks to you, gives you vision.
Pay attention to those Deo Ho Numa moments.
2. Certain Uncertainty
When you hear God, take a step of faith.
Learn to walk by faith and not by sight.
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalms 119:105
3. Predictable Resistance
Everything new and effective will be met with resistance: People will try to stop you.
4. Uncommon Clarity
I'm doing a great work, for this I was called.

Bobby Houston - Thy Kingdom Come
Don't worry about others opinion, just concentrate of who God called you to be.
Zion --> God in full view

Judah Smith - Don't take what's yours
God will bless other people in front of you. But your share will come eventually.
Life comes down to two choices: 1. Take what's yours and go your way. 2. Trust what he gives.
God does not just do more, He IS more.
There are moments when you can choose to take what's yours, or choose door number God (referring to those reality TV shows that tell you to take the cash, which is yours to choose, or the secret door to a prize).
The truth about me is defined by the gospel, I am who I am by who God says I am.

Day Three (July 3 - Wednesday):

Bishop TD Jakes - The memoirs of a Blind man (Mark 10:50) <-- GOOD READ!!
What do you do when there's something wrong, and you can't fix it?
We often hold a cup in our hands, ask people to drop all kinds of advice, contributions into our cup, and a cloak to cover our doubts and mistakes.
The blind man could not see, but he could HEAR Jesus passing by and so he SCREAMED out to Jesus. And so the blind man was healed.
Use everything you got against everything you don't!
Drop the cup and the cloak and follow Jesus.

Joel Osteen/Victoria Osteen - Magnets for blessing.
God is in control of the storm. God will not allow a hard time in your life if it had no purpose.
He uses the storm to nove us from A to B. Let the storm take you to where He wants you to go.
Sometimes God doesn't take you away from the fire, but instead makes you fireproof.
Like a magnet, you are attracting the goodness of God. All blessings will track you down and overtake you. Like a heatseeking missile. God's plan in your life is so much bigger than your own.
You don't have to seek the blessings. Just seek God and He will promote you. At the right time, favour will find you.

Day Four (July 4 - Thursday)

Charles Nieman - What are you going to do when life doesn't play along?
John 10:10
There is lots of good in life, but sometimes life doesn't play along.
You gotta let God into your present, your "now" moment. Not your past or your future.
Jesus's I AM:
Let He that is in you stand up in you. When He comes up, you are coming up too.

Bishop TD Jakes - The instinct to Increase. (Matthew 25:14-19)
Intellect explains things, but only instinct finds it.
Intellect without instinct will cause you to fall short.
Tell yourself: I am gifted.
Masters don't go out to gift to the slaves, but God came down and gifted us.
You don't want what other people have, you want what God gave to you. We are unique.
Take what you have and MULTIPLY IT.
Everybody has fear, but fear does not have you.
God does not expect you to work on something He did not give you.

Day Five (July 5 - Friday)

Judah Smith - For God SO loved the world (John 3:16) <-- AMAZING SCRIPTURE AKDLASDA
"While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
God is love.
He did just love the world, He SO loved the world. God can't help himself but love us. He is a groupie.
Love is the main theme of our existence, the purpose of which we were created. We are the object of God's obsession.
If you guys have time, look at the story of Hosea and Gomer in the Bible. It really is a good read!!
Hosea: Salvation - God
Gomer: Completion - Us

Jesus is Hosea and we are His Gomers.
There are many more Gomers out there who are not yet saved. Let us be the linking chain between Hosea and these Gomers.

When you REBUKE the enemy and return to God by REPENTING of your sins and RECEIVING Christ, your spirit will be REBORN, your mind RENEWED, your life REBUILT, you will be RECONCILED by Christ's REDEEMING work and while you REJOICE, you will REAP the REWARDS of RELATIONSHIP causing REVIVAL to break free. REVIVAL STARTS WITH ME!

Anyways, to wrap up this post. I'm just gonna end with some photos, but can I just say. HSC13 really was something special. It was my third time attending conference but something within me clicked, knowing that I got from it more than I've ever had. Without further ado, here are some photos:

Conference Panorama as Brian Houston Speaks.

The Micah Campaign, halving poverty before 2015.

Kari Jobe!!
Hehe, got a photo with JD from the Hillsong United band (the one that's always jumping all over the place on stage) :D :D :D

Glorious Ruins Limited 5000 copy Edition album + DVD + Young & Free's single - Alive! I got copy number 322 hehe.
Blurry Group photo.

Looking good with Sam.

God Bless you all! <3

Monday, April 15, 2013

#TeamCute, Roll out!

Yeahhh, haven't blogged in a while...
Not much has been happening lately really... just Uni, study, work, game... Sad lyfe...
So yeah, Mid semester exams are coming up and I should say I'm quite screwed haha... not really, but kind of maybe a little bit. But since it's exam week, lots of lectures have been canceled, meaning more time for me to study. WORK HARD I SHALL!!

Ok, so recently, I've been playing some Counter Strike GO (CS: GO for short). It's a first person shooting game, and I met some pretty cool people.
So this girl called Lily (she's like uber pro, like omg), started this team and named it #TeamCute LOL... and she invited me to join, yay!  Felt so special.

#TeamCute! As you can see I'm at the very bottom (RawR :3 is me), coz I suck... talk about letting the team down...
Anyways, met some really fun and cool people on #TeamCute. Also found out that Lily works at Easyway as well OMG, in Melbourne though, but I thought that was pretty cool, not only do we share the same interest, we also share the same secret Easyway Tea recipe. She also plays Dota2 :D, so swag.

Some Photo's from Maggie's Birthday the other week :)

Anyways, back to study... no Dota2 game of the Day, coz I haven't been playing Dota much.
K, God Bless, bye!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Birthdays everywhere!

There is a fire
Within her eyes
Right in my senses
Now I've been searching
For her beyond flames
Beyond the Flames - Killswitch Engage

Hey all, having a wonderful holiday so far. Had heaps of fun these past few days, meaning I'll probably spend the rest of the break studying... sighhhhhhh........

Soooo.... one of my all time favourite bands, Killswitch Engage, released a new album today. The lead singer is a Christian, and contained lots of positive messages in his lyrics, especially in their old album, Alive or Just Breathing. He even once formed a band named Times of GRACE. Had lots of inspirational music, which I really liked. So, respect to Jesse Leach <3, God Bless him!

Disarm the Descent - Killswitch Engage

Went to Teunica and Alex's 18th Birthday on the 2nd of April, BEACH PARTY at Surfers Paradise. First time catching a train to the Gold Coast haha... so was a bit clueless. We all gathered at Southbank train station at 10am and caught the train down to the coast. I fell asleep halfway through the train ride, so yeah haha.
On the train with Steph Tan. Haha Joleen at the back with her Mansfield broad brim hat and Kris Joven being hilarious as usual.

Got to the beach and had the beautiful caaaake, then it started to pour down buckets of rain haha, so we hid under the KFC undercover area across from the beach. When the rain stopped, we went back and started setting up our camp YEAH. Lying on the sand, listening to the waves and occasional helicopters. Very relaxing. A few people swam, but I was among one of them who didn't cos I was lazy.

Eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream on the beach, YEWWW!

Justin getting buried and the girls drawing female body parts on him... either that or really big  pecks.

Birthday girl!! :D

Had to leave early because I had another birthday to attend... Maggies 21st! Oh Maggie, where to start with that lady, one of the sweetest, funniest, most talented girl I know. And her passion for God, gahhh!
So I got home from the beach at around 6:30pm, giving me about 8 minutes to prepare for Maggie's Marvelous Moustache party. Because I didn't prepare a moustache, I decided I would dress very formal instead... to make up for it haha. Dinner was naise, the food was pretty good, potatoessssss love potatoes.

POTATOES! BOIL EM, MASH EM, STICK EM IN A STEW!! - Samwise Gamgee, Lord of the Rings.

There were photo booths, fun (embarrassing) games, and heartwarming speeches... nawwww!!


Dota2 Game of the Day
Hero played: Nyx Assassin

Dota2 Game of the Day 2
Hero Played: Bounty Hunter

God Bless all!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools

Hey all, April Fools. Had quite a good day, thought I had work, found out I didn't... Soooo had a pretty chilled day :)

Went to Hot Pot in the afternoon for Vivasian's 17th Birthday, where we ate all you can eat Hot Pot. The lunch was at 12:00pm... and so I set my alarm for 11:00am, but didn't wake up till like 11:45am hahaha... So Antony insisted he would pick me up. When I got there, to my surprise, Becky Chen was there! Met her at Music Rally, she was one of the girls who I had to chat with for over 40 minutes while Catherine was off somewhere else. We ordered heaps haha, everyone ate a lot except for Rick, who claimed that he "wasn't hungry".

After Hot Pot, we went to Plaza so I could buy some Birthday presents for friends... Omg, I am soo broke... T_T
Then I went home. HA

Got home and went straight to Sunnybank Hills Primary to play soccer. It was only David and I, so we didn't play for very long, probably only an hour, then we agreed we'd go home and play E-Sports instead HAHA.

Some flowers I found while walking to the soccer field. Quite beautiful aren't they? And no, I did not pick them off a tree or whatever, I found them on the ground.
 Anyways, got home and watched some Walking Dead. Which is EXTREMELY intense at the moment. It really is a good TV series, I definitely recommend it. Be warned, it's quite gory and bloody, so be prepared with a strong stomach.

Fractured my left Ankle... Just kidding, belated April Fools. I tricked a few people with this, but then felt bad for letting them worry, so I removed it. My bandaging skills have diminished LOL.
Dota2 Game of the Day
Hero played: Luna
Although we lost. It was quite an intense match, that lasted for over 1 hour... haha, was so tiring... guhh

 Anyways, God Bless y'all, keep on smiling!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Birth of Henrietta's Blog

YAY, BLOG!! I realised I post a lot of statuses up onto Facebook about absolutely pointless stuff... I think that's what Blogs are for... sooo instead of reading other people's wonderful and eventful lives, I thought to myself, " Hey, my life is quite interesting (it actually isn't, really), why don't I start a blog??" So, here I am, sitting in front of my computer, my mind is completely blank right now. I don't really do a lot in my day to day life, I game a lot... I dream about flying planes a lot... I Youtube a lot and chat with friends via Facebook or Skype haha.

Okay that's enough for the intro. So like I believe you talk about what you did today or what's been happening in your life on blogs, right? Let me think... hmmm... Well today I slept in till like 12:45pm HA and then got ready for work... I drank a bowl of hot soup that mum prepared and headed out with Sherry who had work at 3:00pm (I had work at 2:00pm). She insisted she would go early and catch the bus with me, such a nice sister naww. So we managed to catch a 140 bus at around 1:15pm, which was fairly early. So being me, who loves sitting at the back end of buses, ran to the back 4th or 5th last row. Then when Sherry came to join me, she pointed out that, sitting right across the walkway, was an intoxicated middle age man who kept eyeing everyone LOL. It was quite nerve racking, not knowing if he was dangerous or anything, so I kept my eyes on him haha. He got off the bus at Southbank, two stops before ours, without doing anything suspicious, but it was still a bit scary, the smell of alcohol was quite strong as well. But God bless him, hope he had a great day.
Omg, so my friend from Mansfield went to Japan/Singapore last Monday, and she flew on the SINGAPORE AIRLINES a380!!!! For those of you's who don't know, a380's are the largest passenger planes ever made, Singapore Airlines only has 12... You have noooo idea how jelly I am right now, HAHA! I stole this photo from her Facebook... Anywhooos.

This is a photo of the Singapore Airlines a380 I grabbed off Google, IS IT NOT BEAUTIFUL OMAGRHAAAAA. "It is Henry", "Yes I know".
Okay so work was quite busy, I think because people were mad that it was a public holiday on Friday, so they went craycray on the following day. Made lots of tea's for the pplz. Oh, for those of you's who don't know, I work at Easyway, Myer centre in the City, soo... come visit meee :D, no discounts though sorry :(

After work before I went home, I saw sherry at Noggi. She ordered a smooggi or something, basically a froyo but blended I think... LOL. I had like two sips, it didn't taste too bad. Then I said bye to Sherry and went home. Played a few games of Dota2 with friends, while contemplating whether I should start a blog or not (Yes, I did in the end, if anyone was still wondering).
Dota2, Game of the Day
Hero: Pugna
Soo, I don't really take a lot of pictures, so I decided I'd do something called "Dota2 Game of the Day". Basically I'll take a screenshot of something that happened in Dota2 today, it can be a funny moment, results, insane stuff, whatever I want. It really is just to fill in some gaps, or make my blog a teeny bit more interesting. I apologise to the people who don't have a clue about Dota2, but you can just skip it if you like. I'll also probably post some nice photos of planes or something since I love aircrafts. But yeah :)

Since it's past 12:00pm, it technically is EASTER SUNDAY. HAPPY EASTER SUNDAY ALL. It is a very special day, where we celebrate the day Jesus rose from the Dead. He died for us on the cross, but death could not hold him down.
John 11:25-26 
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. (NIV)

AMEN, God Bless you all, whoever bothers reading my blog LOL. <3